Our 5th annual LDC SHOWCASE theme for 2023 is "ICONS!" Routines may highlight artists, music, movies, shows, events, movements, teams, places, or anything that pertains to something ICONIC (pre-k, elementary, middle, high school, university, college)! For a list of routine ideas and guidance, click the link below. Themes that each group chooses will be on a first come first serve basis. We will update our page regularly to show which themes are no longer available. Please remember this is a FAMILY FRIENDLY event and that your choreography and/or routine is able to be viewed by all audiences. Curse words/profanity in music will not be accepted. At this time, we are requesting that groups avoid the use of any President (past and present), Michael Jackson, and Kanye West, thank you.
*Groups are kindly asked to submit a video of their routine by February 1st to be reviewed.*
More guidelines are listed below! We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with this year!!!!
Routines have a time limit of 4 minutes 30 seconds including entrances and exits and prop set up/removal. Please send us your song list(s) ASAP to avoid duplicates. Music and themes are on first come basis. February 1st is the last day to submit your music file. Curse words in music must be eliminated. If you have any questions, please e-mail us.
Each dancer will pay a $10 performance fee. Dancers in multiple routines will only need to pay this once. This can be paid with cash, check, Venmo, or PayPal. This can be paid individually or with their dance group. Dancer fees are due by February 1st. Any payments made after this date will increase to $20 per dancer.
Each group has the option of handing out a scholarship(s) for dancers who are not currently enrolled in a studio. Please e-mail this document to us by February 1st. We will personally frame and handout scholarships for you the evening of the show. This can include a free class, workshop, camps, etc.
Last year, we were able to hand out $2000 in cash scholarships!! Upon registration, please specify which of your performers are high school and/or college graduating seniors. Scholarships are handed out at random. More information can be found here.
Studios owners, Captains, Coaches, Directors, Choreographers, will receive complimentary tickets. Dancers WILL NOT need to purchase a ticket UNLESS they would like to sit with family and/or friends in the audience. There will be a section reserved in the balcony for performers. Tickets in all other sections will be sold at their normal price.
Dress rehearsal will be on the same day of the show. Dance groups will be assigned scheduled arrival times one week prior to the show. Dancers will report directly to the Warehouse Theatre. Studios with mini dancers (ages 6 and under) may assign two parents to assist them in the Warehouse the night of the show and/or during dress rehearsal. Dancers may leave after their rehearsal slot. More dress rehearsal guidelines can be found here.